200 Hour

Yoga Teacher Training

September 2024 – February 2025

New York Center

Welcome to our 200 Hour Teacher Training Course. This program is an exploration and study of the full science of yoga, encompassing the eight limbs and nine forms of yoga. Designed for both aspiring and current teachers as well as those who simply wish to deepen their own personal practice, our intention is to share the joy of the spirit of yoga with you while providing a systematic and comprehensive course in traditional yoga.

This is a classical training course and includes all traditional components of yoga including Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathings), Meditation, Purification, Sequencing, Yogic Nutrition, Mantra, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Conditions and Injuries, Energetic Anatomy, Philosophy and Ethics, Scriptural Study and above all, Yama and Niyama, without which there will be little success in yoga. This course is a profound and intense opportunity for personal development—physically, mentally and spiritually.

The study of yoga is the study of Self and students lives are forever changed as the miraculous and ancient teachings of yoga come to life with the deepening of personal practice and study. Yoga is a life of self-discipline and as yoga purifies, strengthens and balances the body and mind, the practitioner develops supreme health, self-control and peace.  We do not teach ‘styles’ of yoga, but the authentic and pure teachings of classical yoga, meditation and purification that serve as a stairway to bliss, promoting harmony within all layers of the body, mind and soul so an integrated state of radiant health is achieved. We are extremely honored to offer this truly comprehensive yoga training program to the community.

Course Curriculum

Beginning, Level I & II Sequences Teaching Clearly & Specifically Yoga Philosophy & Ethics
Anatomy & Physiology Sequencing of Postures Asana Alignment & Form
Kriya Yoga Yama & Niyama Jnana Yoga
Psychic Development Hatha Yoga Mantra Instruction
Bhakti Yoga Mantra Yoga Karma Yoga
Intro to Yoga for Pregnancy Yoga Lifestyle Sattvic Ahara (Yogic Nutrition)
Chakra System Satsang Relaxation
Detoxing and Cleansing Bandhas Breathing & Meditation Techniques

Training Dates And Schedule

Training Dates

Sept 16-18, 2024
Oct 7-9 2024
Oct 21-23,2024
Nov 4-6, 2024
Nov 18-20, 2024
Dec 2-4, 2024
Dec 16-18, 2024
Jan 6-8, 2024
Jan 20-22, 2024
Feb 3-5, 2024

This training is held at the New York Center.

Course Requirements

Daily pranayama/meditation practice (30-60 min)

Daily asana practice (30-90 min)

Completion of all required reading/writing assignments

A sincere desire to serve humanity

Completion of 3 month internship period (completed at home)

Attendance in a weekly class at the center*

*Special arrangements may be made for out of town students


Each weekend module will follow the schedule below.

Friday 6:00pm-8:30pm
Saturday 10:00am-5:30pm
Sunday 10:00am-5:30pm

Full attendance each weekend is mandatory for graduation.
Registration Deadline August 1, 2024
apply here


The fee for this course is $2950, paid in full at the time of application. If you prefer incremental payments, you may instead pay $500 at the time of application, plus three (3) of $900 (on subsequent dates which will be listed in the letter of acceptance) — for a total of $3200. We accept checks, cash, money order and paypal.

apply here

Join Us For Our Upcoming Training

apply here