Healing Naturally
by Chandra Om

The Saints and Sages who had the knowledge of the three periods of time — past, present and future — during the super-conscious state realized the truth and subsequently declared that God alone is eternal, pure, everlasting and perfect. It is only by knowing God that one can have supreme peace and bliss. This is the true goal and purpose of human life.
Health is the stepping stone to this awakening. We must have a sound and healthy foundation from which to lift the consciousness above the physical into the higher levels of perception. If the body is unhealthy, the mind becomes preoccupied, restless, negative and unable to perceive more subtle realities.
Nature cure is a system of healing based on the understanding that the body is made of five elements – earth, water, fire, air and ether – and is maintained and sustained by these same five elements. Believing that the body’s natural state is health and that any disease or disturbance is brought about due solely to the loss of equilibrium of the internal elements, the body can thus be healed by bringing the elements back into balance, providing relief, prevention and cure of disease through non-invasive, drugless therapies.
Natural therapies treat imbalances by removing the causative factors, not merely the acute symptoms. Following simple, rational and fundamental natural laws, nature cure reveals the irrefutable logic that the cause of all disease is rooted in straying from nature and that disease is merely the body’s attempt to will itself back to health. Thus, a simple and wholly natural application of treatments, along with a return to holistic habits of living can effectively treat all human ailments without drugs or artificial means. It is, without question, the most effective system of therapeutics in existence.
Nature has given wonderful powers to the body to heal itself and regain health. By using this inherent strength, the body can be rid of all sickness and health can be restored. This is not only a treatment system but a way of living in line with the laws of nature. The basis of nature cure and its treatments is to first assist the body in removing accumulated toxins through normal channels.
Disease is born due to the build-up of toxins, which, under normal conditions, are excreted as the body’s waste, but due to incorrect diet and lifestyle, negative mental attitude, stress and a lack of proper exercise, vital force is diminished and these toxins begin accumulating in the body and eventually cause disease. As humans have moved away from nature and a healthy way of life, consequently, the immune system becomes weakened, internal wastes accumulate and our vulnerability to disease increases. The exceptional therapeutic and remedial results that can be achieved through natural, painless treatment agents of sun, earth, air, water, color, fasting, correct diet, exercise, and positive thinking are easy, simple, inexpensive and true.
Understanding that all disease owes its origin to unnatural living, the only real basis of cure lies in the complete purification of blood and tissues and re-harmonization of mental, emotional, and physical activities, thus allowing the body to cleanse itself – a process the body naturally moves to if only given the opportunity to do so, for the body contains within itself all it needs to heal. It is not the remedies applied which heal, but the innate God given healing power which resides within us all. Our responsibility is to aid this internal vital power through responsible choices and right living.
Today the need for a holistic approach to health is more significant than ever before. This is where Mother Nature shows us the way. By developing a healthy lifestyle involving a natural and balanced diet, regular exercise, cultivation of positive thinking, proper relaxation and maintaining physical and mental health, we can easily keep the elements in balance, and restore and rejuvenate our health.
Learn to lead a healthy, natural life that will eradicate not only the symptoms of disease, but the often overlooked root cause of all conditions, enhancing the quality of your physical, psychological and spiritual existence. As you nurse yourself back to supreme health, the normal and harmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the body are experienced. Supreme physical, mental, moral and spiritual balance and immunity against disease is experienced – in conformity with the laws of nature applied to individual life.
Nature offers each of us the remedy that is best for health and happiness. No one is excluded from the mercy, love and healing nature bestows, nor is there a hierarchy of worthiness. Once we begin to study nature, respecting and adhering to her laws, we instantly know what to do in the instance of any sickness or disease. Anyone, at any time, can undertake a purely natural course of treatment and take their health and destiny into their own hands. It is therefore baffling why anyone would not choose nature as their sole physician. When we choose to take responsibility and accountability over our own health, true freedom and independence become ours and we enjoy the harmony of peace, contentment and happiness.
Sickness has become an inevitable expectation for many, yet the reverse is true. Disease is not an entity, but a state. Health and disease are not distinct from one another, but merely varying states of health. Supreme health is a matter of careful living. We can therefore recover from all disease and live happily should we only enter into full harmony with nature and live a pure life. As God, in the varying and glorious forms of nature, speaks softly and intuitively to us, should we choose to listen, we are quite easily led to natural choices and soon recover health and happiness. The most intimate communion with nature can indeed be reestablished safely and easily.