Articles & Interviews

In this wide ranging interview, Chandra speaks about practicing traditional yoga in the modern world, why she founded an ashram, yoga as ministry, love, overcoming fear, working with those who encounter sickness, surrendering the ego and the benefits of yoga and natural healing.

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In this interview, Chandra discusses the cultivation of physical and spiritual strength, the importance of studying under a Guru, traditional yoga and collective consciousness. Chandra provides practical advice and in-depth insight for spiritual growth and introspection.

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In this audio interview, Chandra answers questions on the connection between the body and mind, pranayama, the belief in God, mantra and the Guru-Disciple relationship.

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This interview was conducted with Tilak Pyle of Here Chandra tells the story of her journey with her Guru, shares her wisdom and perspective on Guru bhakti, the necessity of living masters, the spiritual import of asana, karma yoga, and the history and impetus behind her first school, the North Carolina School of Yoga.

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In this episode of Yoga Peeps, Chandra discusses the beginning of her yoga studies, how she began teaching at the prompting of her Guru, remembering your true nature, the connection between mother and Guru and her advice for those beginning to teach.

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Chandra writes about the importance of the Guru (spiritual preceptor), in the classical yoga tradition. With repeated emphasis on the unity of all creation and the importance of merging of the individual self with the supreme consciousness beyond duality, the Guru illumines the spiritual teachings for rapid progress.

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This comprehensive article explores the many forms and branches of the yogic system. All branches of yoga are in essence very similar. They are each suited for various temperaments. Their goal is the same – Self-realization.

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This article explores why eating a live, vegetarian diet is the best option for health and compassion, and the intimate connection between diet and mind.

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This article discusses the spiritual path of marriage and family life and the way that marriage, children and family can be a powerful sadhana for Self-realization.

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An understanding of the principles of karma and reincarnation is central to the practice of traditional yoga. In this article, Chandra touches on how our lives are shaped by karma, and how we are able to fulfill our desires through reincarnation.

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In this essay, Chandra discusses the source of health and disease in the yogic tradition, and how physical and mental health can be achieved using the system of Nature Cure.

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Chandra has written a series of essays on yama and niyama: the ethical rules of yoga. These articles serve as a resource for new students, and a meaningful refresher for advanced students.

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Memorium to Sri Swami Kailashananda (Yogi Gupta). This moving tribute brings light on the life and teachings of a great Guru.

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When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.