Meditation Teacher Training

March – April 2024

Welcome to our Meditation Training program. This training is an exploration and study of the fifth, sixth and sevenths steps of yoga (Pratyahara, Concentration and Meditation). Designed for both teachers as well as those who simply wish to deepen their own personal practice, this course consists of 4 weekend intensives covering all aspects of meditation found in traditional yoga.

Concentration is a method of mental purification and a means of acquiring knowledge. Just as a scientist concentrates the entirety of mind to the analyzing of the forces to be understood, the yogi enlarges their consciousness through intense concentration on the transcendent bliss of the soul.

It is often easy to concentrate outward—the senses and mind naturally move toward sensory objects. The yogi concentrates the mind inward—back on itself, as it were. As the mind turns inward, engaging in self-reflection, the very nature of reality begins to become revealed. The mind becomes absorbed back into itself and awareness of body, breath and surroundings disappears.

Concentration then naturally merges into meditation. As the mind concentrates on the object of investigation, through steady and consistent practice, the ability to remain undistracted strengthens. When the yogi has intensified the ability to concentrate for a period of time, beyond the misperceptions of name and form, resting solely in the true essence behind the gross manifest, that is meditation.

Concentration is the fixing of the mind on a single point; meditation comes when that fixation flows uninterrupted. Concentration and meditation eventually lead to Self-realization.

Course Curriculum

Preliminaries of Pratyahara Principles of Concentration Importance of Breath
Meditation Techniques for Various Levels In Depth Study of the Mind Pranayama Techniques for Various Levels
Postures for Meditation Student Teaching Various Stages of Meditation
Study of the Self Yoga Philosophy Yama and Niyama
Yogic Diet Mantra Yoga Purification

Training Dates And Schedule

Training Dates

Mar 3 -5, 2024
Mar 17 – 19, 2024
Mar 31 – Apr 2, 2024
Apr 14 – 16, 2024

Course Requirements

Daily pranayama/meditation practice (30-60 min)

Daily asana practice (30-90 min)

Completion of all required reading/writing assignments

A sincere desire to serve humanity

Completion of 3 month internship period (completed at home)

Attendance in a weekly class at the center*

*Special arrangements may be made for out of town students


Each weekend module will follow the schedule below.

Friday 6:00pm-8:30pm
Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm
Sunday 10:00am-3:00pm

Full attendance each weekend is mandatory for graduation.
Registration Deadline Feb 1, 2024
apply here


The fee for this course is $1500, paid in full at the time of application. If you prefer incremental payments, you may instead pay $500 at the time of application, plus three (3) of $500 (on subsequent dates which will be listed in the letter of acceptance) — for a total of $2000. We accept checks, cash, money order and paypal.

apply here

Join Us For Our Upcoming Training

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